17 November 2003

hello world......annoucing the birth of a whole new blog....u know wat??
it's called the blog of fishy+corky stuffs....hehe.....glad that i have finally become a proprietor of a blog...
anyway, i got to know that there's something like this (blog) from a very good fren of mine.... to be precise, he is also a corky person... sometimes as corky as you can ever imagine ....hehe...but i take that as a good thing...his name is KELxxx..hehe...i can't tell the whole name, otherwise there would not be any sense of secrecy...dun u think so as well??
anyway, it has been a long and tiring day for me.....i can't type any further, since only half of ONE of my eyes is open...she can't wait to close down , since her other part has tutup''ed'' liao...
ok lah, so i guess that's all for today....if u wanna more fishy+corky+crappy+...err....watever stuffs....dun come here again...coz u are at a high risk of getting overload....u have the warning...to come or not to come, the choice is now YOURS....


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