19 June 2005


, 掀起了种种回忆….

, 使到我的心久久不能平伏….

, 见证了我的坚毅和执着….

, 却也唤醒了孰睡的我….



太阳, 象征着雨过天晴….

太阳, 洋溢着蓬勃的朝气….

太阳, 也牵带着新的希望….






11 June 2005

jogging...my growth with it

After slacking from jogging for around a few months, i'm here to announce to the world that.................

- the FIRE deep inside me has once again been reignited.....
- the SPIRIT has once again been rekindled......
- and i'm slowly getting the inner-whispering-self back that urges me to stick to this habit........

Jogging has indeed been my idiosyncrasy,or could be said as my acquaintance for the past few years....i'm sure those that are close to me never fail to realise this ......i remember jogging intensively for literally everyday back to the days when i was in INTEC.....having said that, it's not difficult to imagine how fit i was during those days...:)

to be honest, i myself could not comprehend what was the invisible force that stretched me that far during those days ....... and after coming to Germany, i have been slacking around for quite some while .....it's only until one of these days that i refound the drive of jogging and fully comprehend the art of it...

u see...jogging is not about burning those excessive fats and being fit.....
i mean...yes..it is about those things.... but it's also about self-belief, determination and discipline which is by far much more important than burning the fats.........

self-belief and determination...yes...no one could dispute the fact that jogging requires a great deal amount of them......to better one's own record , say 5 km for 2o minutes, one needs to believe in oneself and be really determined, even if it merely means a betterment of only 30 seconds...trust me, it's by no means impossible, but it's somehow a herculean task, i would say .......and u might ask, what has it to do with discipline........well, as simple as that....without a sense of discipline, u won't be able to haul ur ass to go jogging everyday.......and do u think u can go under 20 minutes for 5 km ?? maybe u can if u are born naturally fit but chances are,it's rare.....

through jogging i see a trend in myself....when i jog constantly, i feel like determination ,accompanied by self-confidence is overflowing in myself.... as if water gushing out ferociously from the tap... through it, i have a sense of direction and the belief of achieving my goals ......on the other hand, when i slack from jogging, i feel like being easily contented with life and not wanting to push myself in whatever i do.......all these are particularly and amazingly true when i look back at those days that i jogged constantly and vice versa .........

to sum it up, those who aspire to inspire must perspire.....victory doesn't come knocking on the doors by itself......so let's see when will be the time that i manage to go under 20 minutes for 5 km.....

05 June 2005

blogging, what does it mean??

i was browsing thru my frens' blogs when an idea suddenly pop up from nowhere that prompts me to jot down my thoughts at this moment.....

Blogging has actually gained tremendous popularity amongst the youngsters nowadays and it shouldn't be deemed to be too much to assert that it's become ubiquitious lately.......some people are so engrossed in blogging that they are willing to spend hours sitting in front of the com just to edit and publish photos for ONE entry in their blogs.......this is definitely not meant to disparage my frens' unfailing dedications for blogging and KOK KEONG,YI LING, JIA JIN nope....i'm not talking about u guys..:p..hehehe

NOW what's this jargon ''blogging'' all about ??
Apparently, it differs from person to person.....as for me personally, my initial purpose of setting sail here was to put my english to practice as i'm currently studying in a country where English is commonly regarded as a surplus to mundane life .....later on, i realised that blogging could be an excellent way to jot down one's random thoughts, experiences and visions......and it's definitely nice to be able to do that without straying afar from my initial purpose.....however, i dun concur with the idea of constantly posting photos and short descriptions on one's blog just to gain popularity....and once again, KOK KEONG !!!JIA JIN!!!YI LING!! i'm not talking about u guys!!! hehehehe

those are my ALG comrades here in Germany....they have put in a great deal of efforts and done marvellous , fascinating things to their blogs....as a result, the popularity of their blogs has skyrocketed within a short period.....anyway, i discovered that lately....their blogs are becoming more like advertising mediums for tourist destinations...hehehehehehe.....well...it's just an example of how quantitative change in the acceptance level of a thing could lead to the qualitative change in the role of that thing.....( hehe :) , i'm not looking for troubles with u guys k?? just reckon that it's a perfect example for this statement...hehehe...u guys should be proud of that :p )

come what may, guys...ur blogs will always remain as my all time favourites and it would not budge a little from that .....

(p/s: the writer of this article has engaged the service of the ''fei fu toi'' of germany for safety reasons. This controversial article is expected to cause an uproar from those ''three kings'' of blogging)