21 October 2005


裸露的 不只是血肉之躯
伴随而来的 是T歌之王的蝉变


在那潜潜幽幽 似有似无之间 

T歌之王 高歌一曲之时
才是  最震撼人心的
才是  最悦耳动听的
才是  最百听不腻的


19 October 2005

Dream of a Child - Now and then

1st Assumption : The following conversation takes place at one of the corners on this earth in the year 2006. An idea strucks a group of 3 childen in a manner similar to that of an asteroid hitting the earth. The use of the names below does not bear any resemblance to anyone.(dun believe?? click on their names to see for urselves..:p) Having said that, any similarity with the names is purely coincidental...ehem

Yi Ling : yo banana boy, what do u wanna be when u grow up ??
Kok Keong : emmmm....i wanna be a banana seller .....haha.. no lah....i wanna be
the best engineer on this mother earth when i grow up !!
Yi Ling : wah(x5)...wat an ambitious banana....anyway, i'm not any less-ambitious
than u leh...my dream is to be the first female engineer to win the Nobel
Prize ...
Jia Jin : u 2 are damn lame leh....ambitions like that ???ceh... easy lah....where got like me ??? i wanna become the chief engineer who'll be in charge of all the other engineers le....

2nd Assumption : Yi Ling is 3 years old, Kok Keong is 4 years old and Jia Jin is 3 months old (might be too young in reality to be able to tok like this, but heck...just an assumption k??)

Kids are known to have the intangible gift to point out the simplest sides of complicated matters which more often than not, go beyond the computational power of the adults. They do, they really do.......

On one hand, we can basically laugh and shrug off the conversation above as something cute but trivial between kids.... On the other hand, it actually reveals a complicated situation which is apparently deep-rooted in our society...

Just open your eyes and your ears to the kiasu world around u nowadays...... a kid as young as 3 years old can tell u that he/she wants to be an ENGINEER when he/she doesn't even know what it's all bout .... the parents might be proud to have such an ambitious son/daughter with the fabulous far-sightedness....but the way i see it, there's something wrong with this society....

When i was young, and to be precise, very young....

I dreamt of being a glamorous singer after listening to Andy Lau's songs ..
I dreamt of being an actor after watching a Jackie Chan's movie..
I dreamt of being a flying man after getting to know Superman
I dreamt of being the saviour of the earth after watching Indiana Jones...

I dreamt of being the '' Lao Fu Zhi'' after reading the comic...

U can definitely say that mass media had an impact on my dreams while i was young, but i dreamt of things a kid normally dreams of ..... i'm not saying that

being ambitious at a young age is a bane, but before the threshold or the so-called transitional period, it's weird for a child not to dream like a child..i suppose...

Queer but true, it's not difficult to see why this is happening around us.....
we have kids as young as 5 years old attending 3 or 4 tuition classes nowadays....
besides, they have to perform a lot of ''obligatory duties'' such as learning this and that (languages, maths, music bla bla bla) ....All these, coupled with the fact that they are always being brainwashed with the notion that ''u must become an engineer or a doctor to be successful'', have led us to where the society is...

I do not blame the parents for wanting the best for their children .... at times, under certain circumstances, choices are made even b4 u are aware of it ......
I'm just astonished to note the vast difference between the dream of a child, now and then.....

13 October 2005



酝酿着 白昼的奔波
斟酌着 对己的诺言

是疲惫吧 让我想休息
是寒冷吧 让我想取暖
是思念吧 让我的思绪被拨弄着
是时局吧 让我的神经蹦得很紧
抑或是灵感吧 让我想再次落笔

冰冻三尺 终非一日之寒


11 October 2005

back to germany and stuffs.....

I've always said this : time flies .........
whilst it's resonating inside my somewhat preoccupied mind at the point of editing this entry , i can't help but marvel at how true this is once again....

9 weeks (or a little more than a couple of months) ago, i was enthusiastic bout going back to MAS and the prospects of meeting up my family and friends alike, be it new or old-buddies....
and guess wat....
without realising it, i've already come back to Germany for 2 weeks and i'm currently trying to soak myself with a hectic 4th sem schedule....

emm.... first day back to the ''Hochschule'' was kinda refreshing.... As a matter of fact, it's been around 1/2 year since i last set foot on the proximity....reasons being that i have had my first internship somewhere else for the whole 3rd sem .... somehow i realised that i have a completely different feeling coming back to the Hochschule than that of the first 2 semesters....

The fact that the unattractive outward appearance of the Hochschule doesn't bother me as much as during the first 2 sems, if not not at all, has surprised even me myself.....guess i've ultimately come to understand that the germans place more importance on substance rather than form without compromising the quality ...... i remember one of my frens from London saying something like : Germany is a country which does not crave for recognition from the others by carrying out mindless pursuits, but instead earns them thru showing the others that they have the capability to do a job without flowery decorations...... it suddenly seems so true..

and after going for a few lectures, i'm delighted that i could understand almost 90% of them !! this is definitely a breakthrough for me personally !! anyway, there's still a long long way to go until i could really blurt out questions like a native speaker in the german language spontaneously....so in a way, it's still extremely tough.....talking bout that, to ask questions in front of a bunch of foreigners and with a foreign language is a challenge itself .... sometimes, this has more to do with confidence rather than anything else ..... i could sense the confidence emanated from the germans while they speak and more often than not, they really ask stupid questions !! :p ..... so that says it all ...

emm.....btw, i'm taking more subjects this sem than i ought to ..... i'm doin that because i have the freedom to do so since we can basically arrange the timetable for ourselves starting from the 4th sem ..... besides, i've other plans for the upcoming semesters.... other than that, i wanna try to step out of the so-called comfort zone and transcend the personal boundaries of myself.....this is by no means trying to show off as i've a lot of seniors doin that successfully .....
on the other hand, i'm trying to prevent complacency from reigning as this could mean jeopardy........

last but not least, i'm actually in a rush while typing this...:p...so i guess some sentences have not been structured properly.....anyway, dun give it a damn..:p